Thanks for choosing Windshield Skin to protect your vehicle!
This is where we can register your product and help you get the best out of your Windshield Skin protection. Failure to register your product prior to removing the adhesive protection liner, voids any warranty rights. As stated in our warranty as well as the warning sticker placed on your Windshield Skin liner, if the product’s liner has been removed or has been attempted to be installed, return and refunds are voided.
Now, let’s get you further protected with our warranty. Fill out the questionnaire to the right and we will get you set up.
Registering your Warranty:
Please ensure your Windshield Skin is registered for a warranty program prior to filing a claim. If your Windshield Skin is already registered for a warranty, please click here to file a claim or visit

Product Line Overview
Super Stretch Material
Peel-Away Material - 1 Layer
Peel-Away Material - 2 Layer
Peel-Away Material - 3 Layer